Trauma Therapy

Miriam specializes in AEDP psychotherapy and somatic therapies, both evidence-based trauma-therapy modalities. Her approach is non-pathologizing, recognizing that every manifestation of an individual’s pain and trauma is a direct response to their need to feel safe and to survive in their world.

She brings an embodied presence and genuine, emotional engagement to the therapeutic space she shares with clients. This intentionality aims to co-create the safety and predictability often lacking in traumatic experience.

Rather than merely seeking to return to a pre-trauma baseline, therapy with Miriam invites clients to explore what it means to flourish, thrive, experience growth, foster connections, and embrace positive risk-taking.

Miriam emphasizes a fundamental aspect of life—that we are inherently wired to be more than just okay; we are wired to flourish, and this inclination is embedded in our DNA.

People have a fundamental need for transformation. We are wired for growth and healing. And we are wired for self righting and resuming impeded growth. We have a need for expansion and liberation of the self, the letting down of defensive barriers and the dismantling of the false self. We are shaped by a deep desire to be known, seen and recognized, as we strive to come into contact with parts of ourselves that are frozen.

— Fosha, 2008

You are capable of healing and deserving of a meaningful life

Initial Consultation
15 minutes | Complimentary

Phone or Online

Individual Therapy
50 minutes  |  $170 per session

 Sessions longer than 50 minutes are pro-rated.

Under this pressure under this weight
We are diamonds taking shape

— Coldplay, Adventure of a Lifetime