Meet Miriam

Welcome! However it is you have landed here, I appreciate you visiting. I’m glad to share a bit of the story behind where you find me today, and if you don’t have time to linger, scroll down to my mini-bio or connect with me @beingmima.

In my earlier years as a young Gen X’er, I was deeply committed to the pursuit of purpose, ultimately defining this as peace. I found myself on a transformative, if somewhat circuitous, journey where I embraced meditation, prioritized volunteerism and social justice, and immersed myself in graduate studies exploring the politics of peace. This pivotal period set the course for my current role as a clinical counsellor. Throughout, I've dedicated myself to supporting others on their personal paths to peace. I've served as a meditation and mindfulness teacher, a yoga and fitness trainer, and an empowerment and lifestyle coach before embracing my identity as a clinical counsellor and therapist. Each role has contributed uniquely to my understanding and capacity to guide individuals in their pursuit of wellbeing, self-understanding and inner harmony.

When I speak of peace, I’m not referring to pie-in-the-sky, abstract ideals, but the tangible, and sometimes hard, messy task of aligning with one’s truth and authenticity. The willingness to do this in the presence and with the support of another human is critical. Both my personal, lived experience and my professional training tell me that it is together, in safe, attached relationships that we best do this work of finding our way to a place where our innate capacity to heal is available and peace accessible. My approach finds resonance in AEDP therapy, my theoretical home, and blends somatic therapies, attachment theory, mindfulness modalities and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

Peace, healing, alignment, a meaningful existence are, to me,  lifestyle choices. When we get clear on what we want, we become better able to make discerning choices that invite peace into our lives. If you feel uneasy about taking ownership of this process, you’re not alone. Stepping onto the leading edge of our potential for alignment and transformation invites vulnerability and discomfort. My intention is that our therapeutic journey provides support that helps make that edge become less daunting and, over time, an exciting opportunity to show up to life in new ways.

In peace and with gratitude,


Miriam Desjardins
MACP, RCC, MDY, BA (hons)

A mother to two teenagers, Miriam has committed to showing up for her family and community in a way that feels authentic to her: present and intentional about how she is affecting the energy in shared space. Although she likes to believe she has this dialled in, her kids remind her that she is a continuing work in progress! To this end, Miriam seeks professionally to enhance her training through ongoing education and certification, predominantly oriented in AEDP therapy, attachment theory, somatic therapies, mindfulness modalities, and ACT. Embracing the concept that life is a journey best navigated in safe and meaningful relationships with others, Miriam encourages clients to show up to therapy with her by simply honouring and beginning right where they are.

Can you hear? Are we clear?
Cleared for liftoff, takeoff
For making reverberations

— Eddie Vedder, Invincible